Care guide for scented candles and melts.

Candles and scented melts are essential elements for creating a warm and relaxing atmosphere in your home.

Whether you use them to relax after a long day, for a romantic evening or simply to scent your living space, knowing how to get the most out of them is essential.

Here are some practical tips to extend the life of your candles and melts, and optimize their use.

Choose quality candles and melts.

The first step to fully enjoying your candles and melts is to choose quality products.

Opt for candles made from natural or vegetable wax, such as soy or beeswax, which burn cleaner and longer than paraffin candles.

Likewise, choose fondants made from natural ingredients and free from harmful chemicals.

Avoid drafts.

Drafts can cause your candles to burn unevenly and more quickly.

Place your candles in a draft-free area to ensure even burning and extend their life.

Trim the wick!

A wick that is too long can cause the flame to be too large, leading to rapid combustion and soot.

Before each use, trim the wick to approximately 5 mm in length. This allows for a cleaner and more even burn, while preventing the candle from producing black smoke.

Allow the wax to melt completely.

When using for the first time, allow the candle to burn long enough for the entire surface of the wax to melt to the edge of the container.

This prevents tunneling and allows the candle to burn evenly with each subsequent use.

Use a candle snuffer.

Blowing out a candle can cause smoke and scatter fragments of the glowing wick. Instead, use a candle snuffer to avoid these problems and extend the life of your candle.

Protect the surface of your fondants.

For scented melts, always use a quality burner and make sure the surface you place them on is clean and dry. This allows for optimal diffusion of the scent and prevents residue from forming.

Store properly.

Store your candles and melts in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. Heat and light can alter the color and scent of your products, and shorten their shelf life.

Maximizing the use of your candles and melts requires just a few simple but effective steps. By following these tips, you can ensure a longer burn time, improved fragrance diffusion, and a more satisfying overall experience. Remember that every detail counts to extend the life of your candles and maximize their beneficial effect in your home.

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